残忍的作者,把自己亲手制作的小人放到Maya软件中,抢他的水杯,还放恐龙咬他。小编不禁要替小人吼一句“我不要在孤独失败中死去,我不要活在地下里!” 曾读科幻小说,想着自己是否也是活在别人程序里的人。或者,谁又是活在我们程序里的人? 也常常想,如果自己设计一个世界,会让它是什么样子?构成生命的最基本元素还要选择C、H、O吗?三原色依然是红黄蓝吗?依旧要近大远小、冬冷夏热吗?正直、善良、勇敢、高贵依旧是文明孜孜不倦的追求吗?还有那些没有回声的追问,没有结果的努力,没有逻辑的表象,会不会变得明朗一些? 纵使科技发展,科幻依旧是科幻。即使在电脑程序中,设计一个世界的想法依然并不现实。但我们或许可以通过制作动画展现自己内心的世界。 这部小短片在搞笑的同时,也体现了作者Juba Polati高超的制作水平。动画以Maya界面为背景,展示了软件的移动和缩放功能,我们将在下期的视频中详细介绍3dsMax的相关基本操作。 主流的三维软件都可以制作动画的,重要的是创意以及实现它!! 原始地址: https://vimeo.com/122196369
作者: Juba Polati
This is my final Animation project from Vancouver Film School, Cursed. It is a film that plays around within the 3D program Maya. It shows an animator and his cursor opening an existing scene with a character named Johnny, an overly confident rig that only wants to relax. But, the cursor wants things his own way, and soon a conflict arises between them.
It was incredibly fun and rewarding to make, so I hope you enjoy!
I’d like to give special thanks to my family for giving me all the support I needed, you guys are the best!
Thank you so much!
Finalist at CG Student awards! And earned a Slayer badge yeeeah! http://www.cgstudentawards.com/student-of-the-year-vfx-anim/joao-paulo-juba-rahal-polati#
Created by Juba Polati