Fuel Cells 1/2018 封面图

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封面网址:http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/fuce.201870011/full The front cover shows a simplified representation of a planar SOFC stack assembly involving the cell lamination and interconnect plates under an applied load. A pattern of metal ribs on the interconnector makes contact with the porous ceramic current collector layer on the air side. These localised contacts are regions of increased stress on the cells and can cause damage if the stresses become too large. In this paper the mechanical response of an anode-supported cell to localised loads from ribs on an interconnector plate is simulated. The simulations show how the critical stress for initiating and propagating a crack is reached by increasing applied pressure with the anode support in both an oxidized and reduced state. Simulations on the contacting geometries are also performed for optimisation purpose. More details can be found in the Original Research Paper by Zhangwei Chen et al., DOI: 10.1002/fuce.201700128. 文章网址:http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/fuce.201700128/abstract

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